Thursday, March 1, 2012

One Month

Today is one month since I left Michigan.  It has absolutely flown by!  I'm still enjoying the assignment, although we're starting to get into the more complicated annoying stuff that needs to be done. However, I know how to do it so it's not so bad for me.  It's explaining it to my co-workers that is sometimes hard.  I find myself not using contractions like don't, can't, i've, etc.  I use the I do not or I cannot.  I've found also that I am choosing my words carefully so they can better understand.  Don't get me wrong, they speak very good english, but they don't use the slang or jargon that we are used to.  And yes, for those of you who have heard it before...the Minnesota/Yooper accent rears it's ugly head at times!  LOL. 

So far this morning, it's bright and sunshiney.  High of 63 degrees today.  Yes, I know that's the weather at home, but it's spring.  There's no more talk of snow or anything.  Things are starting to bloom and turn green.  Kids and adults were out playing soccer on the way home yesterday.  "N" told me that daylight starts at 4 am and the sun sets at 10 pm in the full on summer.  4 am and it's bright and sun shiney. 

Finally, Yore, my morning driver and I have been talking about his friend's 26 year old son.  He so badly wants to study in the US.  So, I've been helping research the student visa procedure and costs.  This morning I opened my mouth and offered up my home to him if he should want to come visit and checkout some schools.  I should probably meet this person first.  However, Yore wouldn't allow anything to happen.  In fact, Yore desperately wants to go back to the US.  He spent quite a bit of time there a few years ago.  Anyway, I offered that opportunity. 

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