Saturday, February 4, 2012

I "had" Plans....

I had plans today.  However, my body had other plans.  I slept pretty much all day.  Even after sleeping from 2-8:30 am this morning.  But, this cold is kicking my ass and I really didn't want to go out into the cold anyway.  So, I spent the day sleeping, talked to my brother and playing with Netfix and VPN.  (It works btw, Pete...)  Finally got up around 5:30 pm and found my way into the room service menu for a burger.  Forgot to take a picture....I was hungry. 

On a more personal note, the skin on my poor, little, chapped nose is beginning to peel.  Even with all the triple antibiotic ointment and lotion I've been putting on it.  And since I got my nails done before I left, I've been peeling the skin off with tweezers.  I know gross, but so is peeling skin on your nose.  It looks like I've been doing coke or something.  (WHICH IS A BIG NO!)  I don't want to go into work Monday looking like a scaly version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Not a good first impression. 

I figure I have four months to do things here, so why compromise my health?  (That one was for you, mom.) 

Also, those of you who are playing words with friends with me.  Take pity on the tired, sick girl!  Some of you are absolutely dominating me and it makes my head hurt!  LOL.  No, in all honesty, I have about 15 games going and after a while my brain blurrs all the words together.  I'm just happy to be able to play a word.  I lack the ability to go for the max points angle.  :)  I love that stupid game though. 

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