Monday, February 27, 2012

Nothing fun to report :(

To be perfectly honest, I was lame as lame can be this weekend.  As Westy would say, I was being hermit-like.  Other than a trip to the market and watching Twilight movies I did a whole lot of sleeping, reading and vegetating.  I'm not sure why, Saturday was a gorgeous day.  I think I was overtired from the week of food poisoning, I wasn't sleeping well when that happened.  Also, I admit, I was a little homesick and didn't feel like going out and being stared at for having blue eyes and different clothes.  However,  after much needed rest and relaxation,  I'm ready to kick butt this week.  I've also started making plans for this weekend. 

Friday is another Marine's happy hour.  Saturday, I'm making plans with "D" to go shopping.  Also, "T" offered to take me out to the disco this next weekend.  I may take him up on that.  Yore also offered to take me to the Bazzar on Sunday.  So, as you can see, lots of plans are being made.  I'm also contemplating a hotel move, maybe I'll do that Sunday and do the Bazzar visit with Yore the following weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. You are allowed to be a hermit once in awhile. I will probably be one this weekend since I am starting to get sick instead of explore Louisville. Oh the fun!!
