Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear mom and dad,

Dear mom and dad,

D has successfully arranged my marriage to "T"  He has earlier been pictured in this blog.  He is just like you dad, sandy brown hair, blue eyes and quiet.  I will be bring him home with me when I return. 

PSYCH!  This was the subject of our lunch conversation today.  D and I were talking about how her uncles were trying to find me a husband.  I told her I had told my parents that I'd already given one husband back and dad said next time you'll pick better.  So, we decided just to arrange a marriage this time.  I'm not sure if T has accepted or not...he turned all red and laughed.  I think D accepted for him. 

Either way, not getting married, not brining T home with me....although, he is scheduled to be in the US for industrial hygiene training later this year.  :) 

It was a good lunch...lots of laughs.  :) 

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